by Giovanna Montalti

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Success is Where preparation and opportunity meet.


Welcome to our Spanish Club Gallery. Here you will find some of the experiences we had during the years as our kids learned Spanish through the many activities we offered

1. Please have a look at the images of our Spanish sessions carried out by Dottoressa Giovanna Montalti.

Session: La Fiesta, May 2019

Our Fiesta is the way the we celebrate our “See You Soon”, where the use of traditional activities and customs (for example, the cake and the piñata) represents our engagement with and enjoyment of our “See YoSoon”.In this session pupils will practice what they have learnt during the whole year in our Spanish Club, and they will enjoy the entertainment with our tradition of the piñata, which is hilarious and a lot of fun!




Session: Halloween/Víspera de Todos los Santos/Día de los Muertos, Oct. 2019

This Celebration is a Celtic tradition that is also found in hispano-american cultures. The literal translation is: Víspera de Todos los Santos. This diffusion of the tradition began with the immigration of the Irish people to the USA, and it later spread to other areas where it integrated with the local traditional cultural practices in many countries. In fact, Mexico celebrates it as part of its traditional feast of respect for their ancestors - this celebration is called: Día de los muertos.
This celebration has also become very popular in Spain and is even celebrated in schools. It is very interesting to note that one thing which is common to all Spanish-speaking countries is their willingness to celebrate and enjoy a festival, so anything is a good excuse to do that!
Our purpose in this session was to practice familiar vocabularies in order to recall them better in the context of this international cultural celebration. Our students became very interested and engaged with this kind of learning without losing the interactive and fun approach that we take to each lesson. 

Session: Recycling Activities/ Actividades de Reciclaje, 2019

“La tierra no es una herencia de nuestros padres sino un préstamo de nuestros hijos” (Proverbio Iberoamericano). Our children are actively participating in our recycling-inventive session. It is hugely captivating and rewarding to observe how they react with genuine sadness and disappointment when they hear that teenagers and adults (including their parents) are destroying our planet, killing the fish and contaminating the lakes, rivers and oceans. In this session they show us:  what they are able to do to reverse this process; how they can be creative with “useless items” if they are given the opportunity; how they can relish and enjoy things that people discard or through away; how we can decrease and manage our household waste; how much money we can save by engaging with these activities. In fact, one of our pupils was engaged in designing a colossal figure made from these “useless times” found in his home. It not only kept him occupied and busy for a long time but he also had a lot of fun in the process.



Session: áµ¢Feliz Cumpleaňos! (Nov. 2018) 

This session is divided in two cultural activities:  

·    The Happy Birthday:  Kids here were exposed to the Spanish happy birthday song, the Venezuelan traditional dance “los tambores” together with playing with a Venezuelan instrument, “el tambor”. In Spanish there are many ways that you can sing Happy Birthday. On this occasion, the children heard the Venezuelan version of happy birthday called “feliz cumpleaňos tambores urbanos”.  In addition, they also learnt the short way to sing the Happy Birthday song.

Bingo with Words: From Junior Infants to Sixth Class, the kids played bingo with words to help them built up their vocabulary, associate the words with the pictures, learn the correct pronunciation and more. Furthermore, the older children also started to read in Spanish.

2. Please have a look at the pictures of our Spanish Workshops/Talleres en español with our Special Guest: 

Taller: Actividades Navideñas/ A Christmas workshop2019

Carried out by Mireia Lopez from Discovery Playtime. During this activity our pupils engaged with songs, music, played games and were involved in Christmas craft activities. As always, it was all through Spanish!

Taller: Mi Fiesta de Cumpleaños, Nov. 2019

By Mireia Lopez from Discovery Playtime. You can find more information about Mireia on:
With this workshop we learned to celebrate a birthday in a real context (we celebrated Giovanna’s birthday). The aim of this Spanish workshop was to expose our pupils to practicing the Happy Birthday song, and making a birthday card using recycled items. We intentionally delivered two versions of the Happy Birthday songs: one from Spain and one from Venezuela (just a short part of the song). In this way our kids learned different accents and vocabularies (from Spain and from Latin American), as well as to be open-minded by discovering different traditions and integrating and welcoming those from different cultures


Taller: Arte y Ciencia/Art and Science, 2018

By Mireia Lopez from Discovery Playtime. You can find more information about Mireia on:

Taller: Los Carnavales/The Carnivals, Feb. 2019

By Mireia Lopez from Discovery Playtime. You can find more information about Mireia on:
This cultural activity aims to learn about the traditional period of fun and to enable kids to use their own imagination in designing and creating their own costume while building vocabulary up.



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